Gear Guides at any Budget.
I'm a firm believer that the tone comes from the hands. If your
trying to achieve a certain guitar hero's tone you have to not just
have the chops but you've got to get down their style of attack with
your picking hand as well. That said every step you take toward
finding the right gear is often very inspiring and WILL get you
closer to “that” sound. I'm going to break these down into
Guitars, Pickups, Pedals and Amps.
Gear Guide.
Root is the epitome of rock n roll cool. Serving as the principle
riff-mister in both Stone Sour and Slipknot his brutal down tuned
riffs are powerful and memorable. His weapons of choice have changed
over the years but we are going to focus on the last few years.
Despite his use of complicated switching systems you can easily get
his sound using a pretty straight forward setup. Jim has been using
various Fender signature models, EMG pickups, and Orange amps for his
straight up tone, and uses effects pedals to add flavors.
Guitars –
Jim Root has been using Fender guitars for the last several years. He
is the only artist with a signiture Telecaster, Stratocaster and a
Jazzmaster. All three are setup mostly the same with Mahogany bodies,
and maple necks. He prefers harder ebony and maple fretboards over
rosewood. A single volume knob and a three way switch for the EMG
81/60 humbucker set.

Fender Jim Root Jazzmaster
– The most recent addition to the Jim Root line up is a signature
Jazzmaster. Again featuring the compound radius it also uses a more
durable polyurethane finish.

Fender Blacktop Stratocaster – Another cool budget alternative, the Fender Blacktop
series packs a lot of bang for the buck. Add in some extra springs on
the wammy for more stable tuning and your in business.
A Tip on Strings- If you want to try out down tuned riffs slap a higher string gauge on your guitar. Rule of thumb is for every full step down, go up a gauge. If your used to 9's or 10's try 11's or 12's for Slipknots songs.
Jim's choice of pickups hasn't changed much over the years. He likes
the EMG 81/60 set that a lot of modern metal guys favor.

SeymourDuncan JB/Jazz Set- EMG's have a particular sound and while Duncan's
Blackouts also have that covered if you want a passive set that can
be used for similar tones the Duncan Hotrod set does an excellent job
of covering a lot of territory. This is the number one replacement
pickup set in the world for a reason.
Jim has a lot of gear, pedals and racks galore but his sound is
pretty straight forward. He likes pedals to add flavor and likes to
get most of his sound from his guitars and amps.

EHX Small Stone Nano Phaser- Jim swaps this and an MXR Phase 90 on a
regular basis. Either one works great, run it in front of your drive
pedals for more of a vibe feel.

MXR Carbon Copy- Most delays will work for the way Jim uses them but the
versatile Carbon Copy has become a favorite of players everywhere.
Unless you need a lot of different delay presets this pedal works

Wampler Triple Wreck – While Jim has used a Rectifier in the past he is
more recently associated with Orange amps. I find I can get extremely
close to his sound using this pedal running into a clean amp. Plus it's just so versatile.
Jim Root's live set up uses the Orange Rockerverb, but in the studio
he has used everything including Mesa Rectifiers, Bogner's and
Budda's. He also has a signature Orange Terror head that is voiced to
sound like his Rockerverb.
OrangeRockerverb 100 – Available as a two channel head or combo this amp
has an aggressive upper midrange that Orange amps are famous for.
It's also available in a 100w or 50w.
Orange #4 Jim Root Signature Terror Head- voiced after Jim's trademark Rockerverb heads
this signature head takes the Tiny Terror head platform to a whole
new level. For a single channel head they are remarkably flexible,
and sound killer. And while made for bedrooms and small clubs put it
on top of a miked 4x12 cab and it can handle the job.
Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier- Used early in Jim's career these amps are very versatile,
and can be found on stages around the world.
you want to experiment with the Orange sound but your not sure if
that's what you want check out IK Multimedia's Amplitube. They have a
great model of the Rockerverb making dialing in those brutal sounds is
there are a lot of alternatives out there but these are a great place
to start your tone search.
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