Saturday, March 31, 2012

Oh the Ecstasy!

I've always wanted a Bogner Ecstasy. Its one of my dream amps, but they are pricey. And I can't justify spending $3000 on an amp head when much cheaper one will work. Of course over the years I've probably spent more than that on amps but still. At the 2012 Musikmesse guitar show Bogner previewed 3 pedals that will soon be in production. These are based on the preamp section of the famous Ecstasy Red and Blue channels and monstrous Ubershall. The Ecstasy sounds like the perfect overdrivin plexi and the Ubershall is just insanity x10. These pedals are going to be huge, and you can bet I'll pickup an Ecstasy Red or Blue (or both) at some point.

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